Leo Lucky Number Today, Leo Lucky Color, Leo Lucky Days

Leo is the very Fifth sign in the list of the 12 zodiac signs. If you are born between July 23 to August 22, your Sun sign is Leo. The symbol of the Leo zodiac sign is The Lion. The sign is ruled by Sun. The zodiac sign also symbolizes affectionate, enthusiastic, cheerful and optimistic. Henceforth, Leo is also known as the Fire sign that personifies Leadership ability, Creativity, Confident, and Affectionate. Compared to other zodiac signs, Leo is passionate and dependable with high self-respect. Again, Leo is also Arrogant, Impulsive, Impatient, Egoistic, Violent and Deceitful.

Are you also looking forward to learning about the Leo zodiac sign? Let’s explore Leo’s lucky numbers today in detail today.

Leo Lucky Number, weekdays, Color, and Gemstone:

The Leo lucky numbers include 1, 5 and 9. Similarly, the Leo lucky Color is Golden, Orange, yellow, Cream and Red. For them, Leo lucky alphabet is A, L, Y and F. Next on the list, Leo lucky letters are Maa,Mee,Moo,Me,Mo,Ta,Tee,Too,Te. The Leo lucky days are Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays.



Leo Lucky Number For Today

5 and 6 are today's lucky numbers for Leo.

Name of the ruling planet for the Leo sign:

The ruling planet of Leo zodiac sign is Sun.

Best Characteristics of Leo sign for men and women:

Leo men and women are Leadership ability, Creativity, Confident, Affectionate, Generous, Optimistic, Enthusiastic, Aristocratic and Romantic.

Best profession for Leo Sign men and women:

The best profession for men and women from Leo sign include Speculation, Jewelers, Soldiers, Surgeons, Dentists, Barber, Butcher, Administrative Managers, Engineers, Lawyers, Priests.

Best body parts for Leo sign men and women:

The best body part for the Leo sign men and women is the Heart and intestines.

Best years of life for Leo sign men and women:

According to Astrology, the best years of Leo are 1, 10, 19, 28, 5, 14, 23, 32

Element of Leo sign

The element of Leo is Fire.

Which are Lucky Gemstones for Leo?

The Leo lucky gemstone is Ruby and Amber. The unlucky stone for the Leo is Blue Sapphire.

Leo Lucky Color

Golden, Orange, yellow, Cream and Red are Leo's Lucky Color.

Leo Lucky Alphabet

A, L, Y and F are Leo Lucky Alphabet.

Leo Lucky Letters

Maa,Mee,Moo,Me,Mo,Ta,Tee,Too,Te are Lucky Letters for Leo.

Leo's Lucky Days of Week

Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays are Lucky Days of Week for Leo.

Also Read:-

These are the Lucky and unlucky Leo sun signs. For more updates on other zodiac signs, and other information, keep visiting IndiaSolv.