Cancer Lucky Number Today, Cancer Lucky Color, Cancer Lucky Days

Cancer is the very Forth sign in the list of the 12 zodiac signs. If you are born between June 21 to July 22, your Sun sign is Cancer. The symbol of the Cancer zodiac sign is The Crab. The sign is ruled by Moon. The zodiac sign also symbolizes fairly dashing, commanding, dominating, kind, affable, helpful, and over-sensitive. Henceforth, Cancer is also known as the Water sign that personifies a Stable and Trustworthy spirit. Compared to other zodiac signs, Cancer is passionate and dependable with high self-respect. Again, the Cancer is also Moody, Insecure, Pessimistic, Suspicious, Vacillating and easily hurt.

Are you also looking forward to learning about the Cancer zodiac sign? Let’s explore Cancer’s lucky numbers today in detail today.

Cancer Lucky Number, weekdays, Color, and Gemstone:

The Cancer lucky numbers include 2,7 and 9. Similarly, the Cancer lucky Color is Blue and Silver. For them, Cancer lucky alphabet is H, N, Y, T, O, D and C. Next on the list, Cancer lucky letters are Hee, Hoo, Hey, Ho, Da, Dee, Doo, De, Do. The Cancer lucky days are Tuesdays, Fridays, Thursdays and Sundays.



Cancer Lucky Number For Today

2,7 and 9 are today's lucky numbers for Cancer.

Name of the ruling planet for the Cancer sign:

The ruling planet of Cancer zodiac sign is Moon.

Best Characteristics of Cancer sign for men and women:

Cancer men and women are Emotional, Sensitive, Highly imaginative, Honest, Tenacious, Strongly Determined.

Best profession for Cancer Sign men and women:

The best profession for men and women from Cancer sign include Emotional, Sensitive, Highly imaginative, Honest, Tenacious, Strongly Determined

Best body parts for Cancer sign men and women:

The best body part for the Cancer sign men and women is the Chest.

Best years of life for Cancer sign men and women:

According to Astrology, the best years of Cancer are 2, 11, 20, 29, 38 , 47, 7, 16, 25, 34, 43.

Element of Cancer sign

The element of Cancer is Water.

Which are Lucky Gemstones for Cancer?

The Cancer lucky gemstone is Moonstone and Pearl. The unlucky stone for the Cancer is Blue Sapphire.

Cancer Lucky Color

Blue and Silver are Cancer's Lucky Color.

Cancer Lucky Alphabet

H, N, Y, T, O, D and C are Cancer's Lucky Alphabet.

Aries Lucky Letters

LHee,Hoo,He,Ho,Da,Dee,Doo,De,Do are Lucky Letters for Cancer.

Cancer Lucky Days of Week

Tuesdays, Fridays, Thrusdays and Sundays are Lucky Days of Week for Cancer.

Also Read:-

These are the Lucky and unlucky Cancer sun signs. For more updates on other zodiac signs, and other information, keep visiting IndiaSolv.